Abokobi 050 330 8191 / 033 209 5326 / 033 209 5330 thebraincentregh@gmail.com Mon - Sun

Inpatient Service

Inpatient services for mental health issues and disorders are available at our facility. These range from depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder(formerly known as manic depression), eating disorders, schizophrenia, and postpartum depression as well as others.

Inpatient services are inclusive of community-based activities like AA for addictions with a coordinator holding these sessions. Rehabilitation and detox are provided at The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre as well.

There are also scheduled activities including occupational therapy and meals are provided 3 times daily. There’s an option of a personal therapist for patients based on their needs and diagnosis. The premises are secured 24/7 and within a lush garden environment of Abokobi, Accra, Ghana beneath the Aburi Mountains. The facility is a few meters from Abokobi Station, on the Pantang Hospital Road to Abokobi Boi Junction. We are open 24/7 and have strict visiting hours to help keep services strict and organized. Structure is essential in helping people achieve balance and getting back on track from mental health disorders

All those who need mental health services which include psychiatry and psychology can find someone to help them at The Brain and Sleeping Medical Centre. Appointments can be made by calling us on 050 330 8191 / 033 209 5326 / 033 209 5330 or by sending us a message on this form. You can come to Abokobi, book a virtual appointment, or request a home visit within and around the Greater Accra Region. We also have clinics in the International Maritime Hospital in Tema on Wednesdays, all day, and at Lister Hospital and Fertility Centre at  East Airport Residential Area; close to Palace Mall Spintex Road on Fridays.

Sleep Study

This is a service offered to all those who have been referred by their physician regarding sleep and stress issues. A polysomnography or sleep study is performed overnight at our facility. There’s a sleep study pre-check for all those who are booked and a quick bite may be provided after the study is done within reason. If you are found to have insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, have been told you snore when you sleep, are sleepy all the time (possibly narcolepsy) with high blood pressure and stress; you may need a sleep study. To pre-check if you may need a referral for a sleep study, click this link  www.stopbang.ca/osa/screening.php  and check. You can also visit our facility to see a doctor to help you check, book an appointment here.

Pick Up Services

For those who need help with bringing their loved ones to our facility for whatever reason, we provide pickup services in and around Accra. Based on the danger the person may present to themselves or those around them, the patient may need to be sedated.

Please call us on 050 330 8191 / 033 209 5326 / 033 209 5330 for assistance in booking a pick up service

Psychiatry Services

There are qualified doctors with years of experience on duty and on call to assist those who need medical intervention for mental health crises. 

They are available for inpatient, outpatient and home visit services by The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre. They are there to help diagnose and create a care plan in association with our psychiatric nurses who are skilled in our field of medicine. Other healthcare staff involved in patients care psychologists, counsellors, Alcoholics Anonymous coordinators, occupational therapists including cleaners, security and catering. Every staff member is trained to be observant and to speak and provide relevant information to assist in the patient’s care.

Confidentiality is of the highest standard and if broken has the most dire circumstances for a staff’s employment at The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre.


There are qualified doctors with years of experience on duty and on call to assist those who need medical intervention for mental health crises. 

They are available for inpatient, outpatient and home visit services by The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre. They are there to help diagnose and create a care plan in association with our psychiatric nurses who are skilled in our field of medicine. Other healthcare staff involved in patient care psychologists, counsellors, Alcoholics Anonymous coordinators, occupational therapists including cleaners, security and catering. Every staff member is trained to be observant and to speak and provide relevant information to assist in the patient’s care.

Confidentiality is of the highest standard and if broken has the most dire circumstances for a staff’s employment at The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre

Suicide & Crises Helpline

The Yonkodo Suicide Helpline is available at The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre is in association with the Candle Night Global; a charitable organisation who are there to provide telephone counselling service 24/7.


For whatever reason, if you need to talk to someone about what is on your mind, affecting your mental health, call us toll free on 0800600200


Completely free for MTN lines…soon to add Vodafone, Airtel and other Ghanaian networks

Outreach and Training

The Yonkodo Suicide Helpline is available at The Brain and Sleep Medical Centre is in association with the Candle Night Global; a charitable organisation who are there to provide telephone counselling service 24/7.


For whatever reason, if you need to talk to someone about what is on your mind, affecting your mental health, call us toll free on 0800600200


Completely free for MTN lines…soon to add Vodafone, Airtel and other Ghanaian networks

Helping You Find Balance and Good Sleep
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Helping You Find Balance and Good Sleep
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